
i love you...too and a fun quiz and a procrastination

I bring you a Diesel funny tonight. This kid is not only cute (yes, that's the mother in me talking) but he knows he's cute and cracks himself up on a regular basis. What follows? Well, you know that he cracks us up, too. The lateset? Check out the following {very} short conversation...

Me: Camden, I love you!
Diesel (with that ever-present mischevious twinkle in his eye): Too!

That's right, he can't be bothered to say the words I love you. He just says "too" like that should suffice! Is he all boy or what?

a procrastination

As you know, Pook turned 5 this past Tuesday and you may be asking yourself what kind of mother am I that I haven't documented it on this blog. A mother in denial is what I am! I am in full-fledged denial that my sweet baby girl has turned 5. Where, oh where, has the time gone? I do, however, promise to return with a blog post later solely dedicated to her and this milestone birthday...as soon as I get a grip on it!

a fun quiz

In honor of the start of the school year, I'll share a fun quiz with you that is sure to take you back. Dust off your color memory and try this Crayola Color Quiz. I made it through with only 7 mistakes. It's harder than I thought it would be. Have fun!

1 comment:

LaVon Baker said...

Only 7 mistakes?! No fair. You have a photographic memory.