
"Mommy, I'm following in your path."

Talk about words that will stop you dead in your tracks.

While walking my darling daughter down the hallway to Sunday School this morning, she looks up at me and says, "Mommy, I'm following in your path." She, of course, was talking about our walk down the hall, but it gave me pause. It made me stop and contemplate the bigger implications of those 6 words. Is the path I'm walking, the path she is following, the right one? I pray. I pray earnestly with all my heart that I am. That the example I am setting for her is one that is pleasing to God and one that I would be proud for her to follow. It's no secret to me or to other moms all around the world that our goal in motherhood is to be the best mom we can be. I am so extremely blessed with my beautiful children, with a terrific partner in life, with a wonderful extended family and friends. I pray that I can do my blessings justice...to be the absolute woman God wants me to be...to be the best mother, wife, daughter, sister, friend that I want to be.

Diesel's surgery

Please keep us in your prayers tomorrow. Diesel has his procedure for tubes in his ears tomorrow morning at 8:45 a.m. I'll confess to being a little anxious. I guess that's completely normal, but it still makes me nervous to think about my sweet boy being under anesthesia even if just for 15 minutes.

1 comment:

LaVon Baker said...

I read this the day you wrote it and I was left without words. My heart burst and my mind went in so many different directions, but the sum total is that I am so proud that God loaned you to me, that I am able to say, "that's my daughter," so relating to your prayer to be the mom God desires for you to be and praising God, in retrospect, that He is redeeming all the mistakes I made. He is so faithful and His grace is sufficient... in my weakness He is my strength. See what I mean... so many directions... all because of the precious words that came out of the mouth of our sweet baby girl. Divine.