
Guess who is walking?

Not hard to figure out since the Pook is 4, huh? Diesel started taking steps this week. He hasn't taken off across the room yet, but he's not afraid to let go and take 3 or 4 steps to get to something he wants. Most of the time that's me or K-man. It's so cute! We're going to be in a world of hurt when he really gets going though because I have the feeling he break out in a run and we won't be able to keep up with him!

We've been hit by a cold spell. It's in the 20s right now and while that may not be cold to some people. It's dang cold to this Texas girl! It's usually about now that I start deluding myself that the summers here aren't all that bad. HA! Still I think I much prefer the sun and warmth to frigid temps any day.


Brooke - in Oregon said...

Morning Leslie
Ya it is dang cold here too, I am much more a warm weather gal :)

Oh my, you are right, look out cause he will be running everywhere now :) It sure is fun to watch them get their balance. I love the just walking stage, it is just so dang cute!!

LaVon Baker said...

whatever you do, protect that precious tooth while he's learning to balance! :-)
it was 28 degrees here this morning! brrrr is right.

Anonymous said...

Wow! and I thought it was cold here! It's in the 30s and with the wet, it's pretty chilly. We woke up to snow Tuesday (picture on my blog). It made for a pretty messy commute. Not that I have to take it or anything, but I feel for those (ie, my husband) who do!
It's nice to see you came out from under your 'work swamp' long enough to let us know you are alive and well! Missed ya!